Sunday, September 3, 2017

Unexpected Safe Place

After the sad hateful incidents in Charlottesville, my mood had been somber because it has been hard to connect with strangers since...specially with people from the dominant culture.

While sitting at LAX, at the boarding gate of a Mexican airline last night, surrounded by many Mexicans like me...I felt a shift of energy, as I saw people letting their guard down, smiling at each other, making easy conversations in Spanish, spontaneously sharing food, anecdotes and travel plans with strangers and laughing out loud. I got the impression we are all feeling the surprising communal relief of feeling tacitly safe and accepted among our kin. It seemed we hadn't noticed the painful emotional toll of being collectively rejected and othered, until we were surrounded by each other and the wave of familiarity washed over us.
The improvised friendships we formed at the gate continued thru the flight and ended with a hug and warm farewell upon arrival at the mother county. I was surprised by the unexpected ease I felt in a public place, an ease I hadn't felt in a long time. I didn't realize I missed it so much. Then, as the immigration forms were handed out...the emotional conflict I felt when pressed to answer a simple question was surprising."What country are you from?" #unexpectedsafeplace #betweentwoworlds #aftershock #lovethemboth #whenyourculturesareproblematic

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