Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Californias- My Family's Earthly Womb

Sometimes I look around and the realization hits me. The Californias, mythical lands of paradise (as their name implies), were here before us and will be here after us.
We only get to be in them for a little while and are responsible for what becomes of them during our stay. We must guard and enjoy this ocean, these hills, these rocks, these vegetation and all human and non human animals that inhabit it. As this section of the planet, is part of who our family is as people. Our essence. This segment of the earth, called California, either Baja or Alta, from Mulegé to San Francisco...has been like a warm earthly womb to many members of our clan. Protecting us, feeding us and granting us room to grow.
Even before and after the region was changed, separated and divided by politics... our nomadic family ways, of interchanging our lives between north and south, have continued. Just like the rivers, the wind and the ocean currents have continued to flow as much as they can despite man generated obstacles. The Californias have protected and cradled, at least seven generations of our family. Seeing us thru, from follicles in our Mother's wombs, to dust, in the warm womb of the earth.
As I walked these hills in the company of my daughter, niece and sister in law this afternoon, I could mentally track our connection to this long region of my Mother Earth by thinking of the many Mothers-Women that link my daughter and niece to the region. Eight generations in total that we know of. The connection to this land I felt today, gave me the sense of belonging and inner peace I needed, as I try to raise a child in the currently inhospitable racial and political climate. Next time someone on either side of the border, dares to question our presence in the region, it will be way easier to dismiss it and remain calm, as I remind myself these rocks and hills have been our friends and playmates long before all this foolishness started.